Sunday, May 22, 2005

yoda banana earlobe.

it's franz after all, not strokes. sorry.

they just can't seem to air anything but star wars shit nowadays. and that is literal when it comes to public transport screenings. they buy two (was gonna write "2" but it looked strange next to "20") 20-second short clips and sadly, mistakenly or otherwise, they're both star wars trailers. with the same jumbled up flashes of pivotal scenes which are powerful narrative tools that move the movie decidedly forward like darth vader saying "the" and that of yoda with his head in mid-turn while attempting to address god-knows-who cos of the operation of the 180-degree rule at that particular point in the movie; only they're put in different orders. so if you're stuck on a bus from its fucking start of its route all the way to its fucking end cos you need to do stuff that you're not even meant to do at fucking 7am on a fucking sunday morning, with an mp3 player with a battery as dead as, dead; you're stuck on a jerking mass of discomfort and having to hear "the" being repeated in the same infuriating rasp for what distinguished mathematicians the world over, after careful calculations with powerful computers, will be moved to term, 'many times'; 2 and 16 seconds apart.

i'm still undecided as to whether the awkward factor is worse when i'm meant to talk to strange new people or when i'm hit by a blast from the past that makes it inappropriate to flee but not quite enough to have anything substantial to say to to escape from setting the record for the number of akward silences per conversation minute. the tension gets so thick that you can't slice it with a knife but if you throw a banana at it it'll stick. cos i'm a peace-banana-loving awkwardness generator.

perhaps parents should think twice about sending their kids off to learn dancing just cos they satisfy the requirements as set by the dictates of the gender stereotype. this here girl was literally dragged on and offstage by her compatriots, and those were the only instances of her synchronising her movements with her troupmates, getting at least her general direction right. cos the rest of her time was spent on total concentration on her left earlobe, as she first tugged it with her left hand, then the right, then the other way around with her right, and then things got really bizarre when she progressed contact with said earlobe to her bellybutton.

well ok she didn't. but she was just standing there the whole time with a constant spooky glassy stare into the middle distance. i should've thrown a banana at her.


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