Monday, May 02, 2005

chink chick chuck chonk.

back. after 2 weeks or so of exams and their related preparations (of sorts) have prevented constructive input of any kind at the end of the days. ok it's not like what's being recorded here is anything substantial to begin with. and this isn't an apology. just an explanation. perhaps to no one. maybe nobody reads this but julia. no matter. i'm totally fine with it being an explanation by me to me, in accordance at least with aristotelian catharsis.

the library on holidays abounds with strange people with their origins rooted in an existential plane totally divorced from the weekday public's. for starters there're fathers with sons. well it's not the case that they're not to be allowed in my point of view but it gets somewhat distracting when you're a hair's breadth away (pardon the pun) from pulling out every single strand of your hair attempting to work out the calculations surrounding einstein's twin paradox while your neighbour is equally hard at work with his 7 times table.

turning the other way, we have, at the adjacent table, not a-decade-premature, aspiring entrants into the campus; but individuals who've obviously eaten perhaps 2 more barrels of the proverbial salt. by that i mean those stuck in the awkward years between those claimed by lecturers and that characteristic of those pursuing further studies. well perhaps age isn't what's most apparent about the group. i mean, they're not just middle aged, but they look very much like your run of the mill middle aged men who spend whole days either reading newspapers and drinking beers in coffeeshops of the chink variety, or reading newspapers and drinking beers in gambling dens of the illegal variety. the disconcertment heightens as they discuss complex physics equations complete with calculations filled with differentiation and integration signs ad infinitum. in hokkien.

now it's been argued by some that chink dialects constitute inferior languages on account of their lack of sophisticated terminology pertaining to chemistry and physics and what have you. today these "some"'s eat their socks and do the chicken dance and sing the fries song in hokkien. in the first place it should be clear that fixation of terminology is but arbitrary, and intonation and articulation superiority just seems an absurd supporting argument.

i end here cos i've lost my line of thought completely. i think i was on the phone for the longest time in my life. there goes my brain. i mean radiation. if that be true in the first place. then again it's already fried anyway by my use and abuse.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh darn it. I forgot what I wanted to write. And I blame it on Friendster's autocracy - coz then it gave me a chance to get distracted by my emails. In any case, hoorah! beng chang is back.

9:30 PM  

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